The Vulture Dance, Crow Dance: The Universal Language of Joy
Embracing Joy through Movement: Lessons from Nature’s Unlikely Dancers
Have you ever felt so overjoyed that you couldn’t help but dance? Maybe you aced that difficult exam, or perhaps your favorite sports team won a championship. Well, in Thailand, there’s a phrase for that burst of happiness you can’t contain: ‘tent rang tent gar.’ It’s like your spirit animal takes over, and you just have to move!
Picture this: A majestic vulture and a nimble crow are in a desert setting. The vulture, with its expansive wings, is not the first creature you’d think would break into dance. But it does! It spreads its wings wide and takes elegant, measured steps. It’s as if the vulture is waltzing with the air itself.
Not to be outdone, the crow, smaller but full of pep, hops around, flapping its wings to a rhythm only it can hear. Both birds are in their element, and their dance is one of pure, unfiltered joy. It’s ‘tent rang tent gar’ in the avian world, and it’s a sight to behold!
In humans and apparently in birds, dancing is a universal expression of happiness. It transcends language barriers and geographical boundaries. Whether you’re in Thailand, the United States, or anywhere else in the world, dancing is a universally understood form of expression. You don’t need to know the steps; you just need to feel the rhythm in your heart.
The Philosophy of “Tent Rang Tent Gar”
This Thai expression captures a sentiment we’ve all felt but may not have a word for in our native tongue. It’s the moment when joy overwhelms you, and all you can do is dance. The vulture and the crow, despite their differences in size and habitat, share this universal truth. When something good happens, you’ve got to shake those tail feathers!
The vulture and the crow aren’t concerned with who’s watching. They’re not self-conscious about their moves or worried about looking silly. And maybe that’s a lesson for all of us. The next time you feel that surge of happiness, don’t hold back. Let your inner vulture or crow take over, and just dance!
So the next time you find yourself feeling down, remember the vulture and the crow. Think about how they danced in the desert, each in their own unique way, but both full of joy. Then take a moment to find your own ‘tent rang tent gar’ and let yourself dance. Life is too short to keep your joy bottled up inside. Let it out, and let’s dance!